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  • Cockburn D., Crabtree S.A., Kohler T.A., Bocinsky R.K., 2013, Simulating Social and Economic Specialization in Small-scale Agricultural Societies, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 16(5),
  • Crabtree S.A., Inferring Social Networks from Aggregation in, and Simulation of, the Central Mesa Verde, special issue The Connected Past, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, (In Press)
  • Favory F.,Nuninger L., Sanders L., 2012, Intégration de concepts de géographie etd’archéologie spatiale pour l’étude des systèmes de peuplement, l’EspaceGéographique, 41(4), Belin, Paris, pp. 295-309
  • Kintigh K., Altschul J., Beaudry M., Drennan R., Kinzig A., Kohler T., Limp W., Maschner H., Michener W., Pauketat T., Peregrine P., Sabloff J., Wilkinson T., Wright H., Zeder M., 2014, Forum: Grand Challenges for Archaeology, American Antiquity, 79(1), Society for Amercican Archaeology, Menasha Wis., pp. 5-24
  • KohlerT., Cockburn D., Hooper P.L., Bocinsky R.K., Kobti Z., 2012, The Coevolution of Group Size and Leadership: An Agent-Based Public Goods Model for Prehispanic Pueblo Societies, Advances in Complex Systems, 15(1&2)
  • PatinE., Siddle K., Laval G., Quach H., Harmant C., Becker N., Froment A., RégnaultB., Lemée L., Gravel S., Hombert J.-M., Van der Veen L., Dominy N., Perry G., BarreiroL., Verdu P., Heyer E., Quintana-Murci L., 2014, The impact of agriculturalemergence on the genetic history of African rainforest hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists,Nature communications, 5, NaturePublishing Group, London, 3163
  • Pumain D., Sanders L., 2013, Theoretical principles ininter-urban simulation models: a comparison, Environment and Planning A, 45(9), Pion, London, pp. 2243-2260
  • SchmittC., Pumain D., 2013, Modélographie multi-agents de la simulation desinteractions sociétés-environnement et de l’émergence des villes, Cybergeo, 643,
  • Sanders L., Un cadre conceptuel pour modéliser les grandes transitions des systèmes de peuplement de 70 000 BP à aujourd'hui, Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège (BSGLg), 63, Société géographique de Liège, Liège, (à paraître)
  • Schmitt C., Reuillon R., Rey-Coyrehourcq S. et PumainD., 2014, Half a billion simulations: Evolutionary algorithms and distributedcomputing for calibrating the SimpopLocal geographical model, Environnent and planning B: Planning and Design, advance online publication
  • Varenne F., 2013, Chains of Reference in ComputerSimulations, FMSH Working Paper, FMSH-WP-2013-51, GeWoP-4, October 2013,
  • Verdu P., Becker N., Froment A., Georges M., GrugniV., Quintana-Murci L., Hombert J.-M., Van der Veen L. , Le Bomin S., BahuchetS., Heyer E., Austerlitz F., 2013, Sociocultural Behavior, Sex-BiasedAdmixture, and Effective Population Sizes in Central African Pygmies andNon-Pygmies, Molecular Biology andEvolution, 30(4), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 1-20
  • Wang C., Ducruet C., 2013, Regional resilience andspatial cycles: Long-term evolution of the Chinese port system (221BC -2010AD), Tijdschrift voor Economische enSociale Geografie, 104(5), Blackwell publishers, Oxford, pp. 521-538